Tuesday 31 July 2012

Holy month, Ramadan 2012

       Ramadan is a month of blessing, marked by prayers, reading the Holy Quran, and performing zakat (charity). It focuses on self discipline and devotion to Allah.
Ramadan in Southeast Asia is best experienced through the bazaars in cities like Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. These bazaars are closed throughout the day, but come to life in the late afternoon as bazaar food shops prepare food for Muslims breaking their fast at sundown.
Pasar Ramadan in Stadium Shah Alam is one of the biggest Ramadan Bazaar in Selangor, they offers a variety of food to choose from, the usual buka puasa dishes like Murtabak, Nasi Lemak Ayam to some other more traditional Malay delicacies such as Nasi Kerabu, Nasi Minyak plus a few Western delicacies such as burger, grilled lamb and kebab.

But there are some of the appetizing delights are Skewered BBQ Kebab, Raja Murtabak, Sabri Hoi Roasted Duck, Papa John (Roti John), Beriyani Ghafur, Kelapa Laut Afrika and Kerang/Ikan Bakar Asam Pedas.

Ramadan bazaars also offer great shopping value on traditional items, including textiles, clothes, decorative gewgaws, and even modern conveniences like CDs.
From the point of view, there is a lot of wastage during the month of Ramadhan.

Prophet Muhammad broke his fast with fresh dates and water.He ate a light meal only after Isyak prayers. It is important not to eat to the full when breaking fast.

“Eat when you are hungry and stop before you are full.” — Sunnah (The Prophet’s behaviour, habits and practices).

Ramadan should the month that we can save money since we don’t have to eat during the whole day. But contrarily most of people spend more money in Ramadan especially for breaking fasting as if that is the time for them to eat as replacement for not be able to eat from morning till Maghreb. But sadly, with prosperity and change of lifestyle, Ramadan has now become commercialized. Muslims in Malaysia, too, seem to deviate away from the sunnah.

This is not what Ramadhan teaches us. Maybe Malaysian Muslims should look back at themselves and the way they practice Islam. Islam is not what you show outside but through your daily practice and your internal understanding of the teaching.

May we be good Muslims, insyaallah.