Tuesday 31 July 2012

Merdeka Logo Controversy

Kuala Lumpur, 29th July 2012 – There are several recommendations to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to choose any of the logos design that was created by designer to be exchanged with the original logo.
He said the celebration on Aug 31st would carry the theme “55 Years of Independence, Promises Fulfilled (55 Tahun Merdeka, Janji Ditepati)”.

Stressing this point, after seeing 1 Malaysia slogan ‘Rakyat Didahulukan dan Pencapaian Diutamakan’, it was like a nightmare and there are some judgments from Pakatan Rakyat and urged the government to change the theme of National Day 2012 "promises are kept" to a more inclusive theme. Previously, the opposition is also not comfortable and are not willing to 1Malaysia up there under the leadership of their states 'banned' the use of the slogans displayed on signs.

A meeting of the Leadership Council chaired by the opposition PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali has made a decision and agreed that the theme were non-independence.

"We asked the government to change the theme of this year to the theme that encompasses the spirit of independence.

"This year's theme is very severe and unreasonable. It (theme) BN slogan ... What could be the theme for a country. People look to remember BN head theme.

Therefore, the Government has decided to replace the logo of the National Day celebration featuring 55 
"campaign promises are kept" after facing criticism of various parties over the past week.

Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri RaisYatim announced that the move was to avoid misunderstandings.

"To curb some miscommunication we will (show) 1Malaysia as Merdeka logo (and) Malaysia Day," he said on Twitter.