Thursday 2 August 2012

Red Flag! Do Men Get PMS?


       Women like to say that they're the only ones that bear the burden of PMS because they're actually the ones who are enduring all the physical pain, emotional anguish, not to mention a never-ending flow of the red stuff from down below and they're right, they do suffer more than men do. Men are constantly confused as to why the sweet girl that they love 21 days a month suddenly turns into an angry mood.

"All men suck!"
"You don't know how this feels! Why don't you understand!? I hate you for not understanding! God, you're f*cking WORTHLESS!"
"Feed me chocolate, dammit, and cater to my every whim or DIE!"

But have you ever wondered, 'is a man also period?’ The truth is mood swings in guys, and many of the symptoms that women experience as part of PMS are just as common in men. The answer to that is ‘NO’ they do not have uteri. PMS is premenstrual syndrome which is the whole complex of symptoms that occur as a result of female hormonal imbalance. Hormone-imbalances can cause depression. Depression is a symptom of PMS, and most people get depressed. They may feel like what they do is not good enough for other people. Some people deal with depression by crying, while others just stay in their homes.

But men do have other cycles in their lives, researchers recently discovered that many men really do suffer from a condition similar to PMS called Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS).

 However, it is not like the contaminated blood from their bodies and menstrual cramps * replaced with 'stomach cramps'* for some men. Most men think shifting levels of hormones is something only women suffer from, but facts show otherwise. Men are equally prone to depression, high stress levels, and mood swings. 

What Influences Men's Moods? It is very similar to those that affect a woman's mood. Men who eat a poor-quality diet, too much alcohol and caffeine and not enough vitamins and minerals are simply more likely to feel cross and irritable. Some other factors can affect men's moods are social stresses, including work and financial pressures which is expected of men in this society.

Men go through from depression, frustrations, and stress. The only difference is that women express their emotions where as men have been taught to suffer in silence and tend to become lonelier.

Could that itself be a reason why women generally live longer than men?

Malaysia vs Manchester City

Kuala Lumpur, 30th July 2012: Hope to see the tigers defeat Manchester City were disappointed when Malaysian squad lost 1-3 to the City at the Stadium Bukit Jalil last night.

The national team failed to exhibit the same game when they lost narrowly 1-2 to Arsenal on Tuesday but only emerged in the last five minutes remaining to close the gap behind three goals.
The nephew of Datuk K. Rajagopal should know the City’s squad had more advantage in term of physical and strategy when the City’s superstar Sergio Aguero, Carlos Tevez and Adam Johnson made ​​a name as a goalscorer in the first half.

The attempt by Aguero in the 18th minute mark, managed to deceive four defense led by Farizal Marlias when Arguero performed a solo effort up to the penalty box before pushing the ball into the goal.

Three minutes after the break, the City added another goal by Argentina striker, Carlos Tevez in the 47th minute, followed by Johnson's third goal at 51st minute.

Nik Farok which is a big fan of Manchester City said tigers couldn’t defeat the English Premier League champions and criticized the Malaysian squad, whereby tigers only get back intensively after the 1st goal from Azamuddin Mohd. Akil in the 87th minute.

“I expected that Manchester City can beat Malaysia 4-0 but luckily tigers can score one goal in the 2nd half.

“Tigers only get the spirit after their first goal in the 87th minute and sadly, this always happened in any competition or game in Malaysian soccer.”

Carlos Tevez from Manchester City (In Red number 32) and S Subramaniam from Malaysia
 (In Blue number 3) at the Manchester City Summer Tour 2012 held at National Stadium Bukit Jalil.